Friday, December 1, 2017

December Art Learning Link

Greetings from the Art Studio!
           Students have been busy creating, learning, and sharing in art class.  Our art lesson focus and discussions have been connecting to gratitude, symbolism, and perseverance.  Art takes time, practice, and reflection.  We have been making art to display during winter concerts.  Please be on the lookout for beautiful art when you visit for the shows. 
          When students bring home creations ask them if they are going to continue to work on their projects, display them for a time, or turn them into something new.  Even if artists are finished or have a clear plan expand the conversation with open ended questions and potential ideas- real and imaginary.   “If you wanted to add color what would you do?”  Or “I can imagine your sculpture as big as the dog, or bigger than the door.  If you could make this bigger how large would you go?  How would you do that?”
The month of December fills children with wonder and excitement as our cultures from all over the globe celebrate and share holidays and traditions.  Rehearsals and special programs make our school days extra busy and energy will be running high.  The art studio workshop will have materials and activities available for children to create art from their hearts. 
As we all plan to enjoy our downtime over the holiday season please keep art and making at the forefront of your mind when planning activities for your family!  Making things together, whether arts and crafts, snow forts and sculptures (when it finally snows), or traditional meals creates lasting memories that you and your child will treasure long after they are grown.  Take a break from new toys and electronics in favor of good old crayons, tape, and paper.  Allow your kids to raid the recycling bin and build a castle for your pet (real or plush).  Check your art material stash and see if it needs replenishing with fresh pencils, glue, tape,  scissors and a fresh pack of paper (printer paper is great and affordable).  Tracing paper, hole punches and a stapler can bring your child much joy and hours of focused activity.  Designating a small area, table, or a large cardboard box as an art zone will bring help keep your artists from taking over your entire home too. J

Happy Holidays, Love Ms. B.

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