Thursday, November 8, 2018

Reflecting on Art

This week in the studio artists are looking through their artwork and reflecting on their art and the process of making it.  The artists are using age appropriate criteria to decide which pieces are most successful and selecting their best to keep at school for display.  Their other amazing works of art, skill builders and learning experiments are going home.  Please take a few minutes to ask your children about their art.  What was difficult, what problems did they need to solve while making it, and what they would do differently if they were to make the piece again.  Thinking and talking about artwork takes practice and is an important part of the learning process. 
Finished pieces wait for artists as they work in the studio.

3rd grade artists discuss two pieces, giving feedback to the artist.  (He chose the print for display.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First Grade Sculptures on Display in Great Barrington

 First Graders have artwork on display at the Mason Public Library in Great Barrington until November 26th.  Please take some time to look at the work on your next visit to the library.  
You can learn about the learning project below:

photo credit Kathy Plungis, Mason Library

First graders at Muddy Brook Regional Elementary were inspired to create these wonderful sculptures after reading Maurice Sendak’s classic picture book Where the Wild Things Are.   Students sketched their creatures, then they made a final drawing on Scratch Art sparkle paper (on display at school).  It was challenging to create a three dimensional version of their monster from the Model Magic sculpting compound.  The children have shared information about their creatures.  Their delightful and creative spelling shows their emerging strengths as readers and writers.  We love sharing student art and learning with our community!  Love, Ms. B.